
Beyin Advertising Agency hired me to redesign their corporate identity back in 2010. The idea to redesign was eventually abandoned, but not before we explored several proposed avenues that I fondly like to call Beta, Labyrinth and Typographic.

Beta, is a play on the visualisation of brainwaves hinting at the name “Beyin” meaning Brain. Labyrinth was proposed as a dynamic logo where each creative would have a pick from several iterations of the logo as the copywriter, art director, strategist and more. Typographic is, as its name suggests, a typographic play on the word Beyin whilst turning the B sideways into a stylised depiction of a brain.


Client: Beyin Advertising Agency
Services: Corporate Identity Redesign

Beyin Sketch Beta Logo
Beyin Sketch Beta Stationery
Beyin Sketch Labyrinth Logo
Beyin Sketch Labyrinth Stationery
Beyin Sketch Typographic Logo
Beyin Sketch Typographic Stationery