Aisha Aromatherapy

Ayşe Tolga is a well-known actress, wellness influencer and prolific businesswoman who launched her own aromatherapy brand Aisha in the late 2000s, the first of its kind in Turkey. In 2010 we collaborated on the re-launch of her brand with a redesign of the packaging for all products as well as some additional new ones.

We aimed for a more clinical rather than cosmetic look in our approach, representing the medicinal aspects and detailed research put into sourcing these organic ingredients.

The redesign of the packaging was followed up with a series of P.O.P. brochures, roll-ups for workshops and digital e-vites, banners and pageskin.


Client: Ayşe Tolga
Services: Corporate Identity Redesign, Packaging Redesign, Brochures, Roll-up, E-vite, Banner, Pageskin

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